
Recycler View

This is my note for Udemy lesson: Advanced Android Bootcamp 2024. 1. Add Recycler View Create a new project and drag a recycler view component to activity_main.xml, give it id name "recyclerView". 2. Create a Layout for List Item Name it l…

Pass Data Between Fragments

This is my note for Udemy lesson: Advanced Android Bootcamp 2024. First, check my previous note Then in HomeFragment, do: val bundle = bundleOf("user_name" to binding.editTextText.text.toString()) it.findNavController().navigate(R.id.actio…

Enum Class書き方


Use Data Binding In Fragment

This is my note for Udemy lesson: Advanced Android Bootcamp 2024. Check my previous note: Simple Data Binding Step 1 and 2 are the same. In step3, we need to write it in a different way. Before: class BlankFragment : Fragment() { override …

Navigation Between Fragments

This is my note for Udemy lesson: Advanced Android Bootcamp 2024. 1. Add Dependencies Reference In project layer's build.gradle.kts: buildscript { ... dependencies { val nav_version = "2.7.7" classpath("androidx.navigation:navigation-safe-…